Desenvolvimento de software

Software product development

We work in cutting edge development, from the design and cutting edge of the business aiming system to the maintenance of the implementation. We consider that there are 3 huge stages creation, development and maintenance. In creation, we have no issues with the users defined to get a product that is easy to use and that is productive in the day. The development and functioning of the system do not change quickly. Finally, we implement the system and provide corrective and evolutionary maintenance. Know more

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Team Augmentation

Team Augmentation

FAST professionals work together with the client's development team to accelerate development or provide any necessary expertise to the project. This allows flexibility in team capacity management and increased quality through the involvement of specialized professionals.Know more

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We offer specialized consulting services to support customers and partners who want to create new software products or improve systems, applications, processes and technologies used by their team. Consulting services include:

Inception: Business understanding, or co-creation in defining the business, to define the minimum viable product of a new system, application, or platform.
Performance improvement: Analysis and execution of performance improvement in existing systems and applications.
Agile methods: Implementation of agile methods in system and application development teams.
Redesign: atualização visual e do fluxo de interação em sistemas e aplicativos já existentes. Know more

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Development of collaborative portals, extranets and intranets using Liferay platforms.

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