What is a
successful start-up?

Successful startups quickly build platforms that masterfully solve market problems. These platforms are user-friendly systems or applications supported by business models with disproportionate competitive advantages.


What is a
successful start-up?

Successful startups quickly build platforms that masterfully solve market problems. These platforms are user-friendly systems or applications supported by business models with disproportionate competitive advantages.


Startups with FAST technology


We specialize in developing these platforms for startups because we believe in the potential of entrepreneurs who want to change the world for the better. However, we know that the journey of startup founders is full of challenges. Therefore, we use practices that reduce the risk of platform development and allow the entrepreneur to focus on growing their business, while we take care of their product.


Benefits of creating your startup with FAST

1. User satisfaction
2. Speed in launching
3. Robust platforms
4. Security for your investment
5. Investment optimization
6. Transparency

Let's take off together?

Startups such as Flowup, Agenda Tellme, Comida Invisível and CXpress, which are now successful in their markets, had their platforms developed together with FAST.

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We increase your chances
of success

FAST's work goes beyond software development, as we know that a startup operates in an environment of uncertainty and is constantly looking for solutions that solve its customers' problems well. Therefore, we specialize in supporting startup founders in technological definitions and in the startup creation process as a whole. For us, the success of the startup is the primary measure of success.

How do we do that?

Business Model

Successful startups around the world develop new business models that change the rules of the game. Instead of competing with the existing players' rules, startups create platforms that redefine the market, setting new rules. Typically, new business models are created with the support of developed technologies and contain at least one competitive advantage that is hard to replicate. We can support you in designing your business model and help create competitive differentiators.


This is the stage where the functionalities and features of your platform will be detailed based on the needs of customers and users. The entire process should be conducted with the objectives and benefits that need to be achieved through the use of the platform in mind. Therefore, your customers and users should be at the center of the process. By understanding their pain points, your platform will be conceived from the beginning to create value for your customers.


This is the stage wherThis technique allows you to visualize what your platform will look like in just a few weeks. In other words, it's possible to visually design the platform's screens so that you can navigate and be sure it's what should be developed. Another advantage of prototyping is the ability to conduct tests and validations with customers and users and know from the beginning if the platform is easy to use and if it will indeed solve their problem.e the functionalities and features of your platform will be detailed based on the needs of customers and users. The entire process should be conducted with the objectives and benefits that need to be achieved through the use of the platform in mind. Therefore, your customers and users should be at the center of the process. By understanding their pain points, your platform will be conceived from the beginning to create value for your customers.


To launch quickly, it's necessary to prioritize the features that will be developed to address the customer's pain points and package them into the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The fewer features for the MVP, the faster the launch will be. The more accurate the features are in addressing the customer's pain points, the greater the chances of success.

Continuous Delivery

Small parts of the platform (new versions) are delivered at the end of each development cycle. These cycles can last from 1 to 4 weeks. This practice increases the alignment of deliveries with customer needs and allows the investment to return faster. Another advantage of this practice is the increase in the perception of value by the end customer, as they constantly see new features.


Have a team that understands cloud platform operation, ensuring application availability with optimized costs. It is also important to perform corrective and evolutionary maintenance over time to keep the platform running smoothly.


All of this only works if the development team is engaged and capable of understanding the intricacies of product development for startups - there are many uncertainties, many possibilities, many changes, and a fast pace. The team needs to be familiar with the process that helps development be successful. And we have that team for you.

I want a software
I want a software